8 WEEK $208/ 4 WEEK $104
2 adults + baby

Vacation plans? Make up another day or watch online!

AS seen on the news

(join anytime- we pro-rate!

Baby Garten Studio 1947 30th St, San Diego, 92102
$208 = 2 adults + baby x 8 weekday or Saturday classes
Class includes
book & online version to share with family
Let best-selling baby signing expert & author, Monta Z Briant open a window into your baby’s mind with this super-fun class featuring music, stories, puppets, games, bubbles and a weekly parent lesson!

Make new friends while learning how to lower frustration, and enhance bonding, speech, and literacy. Families learn 100’s of signs. Little ones typically begin signing 6-12 weeks after beginning and can eventually learn dozens of signs as they gradually transition to speech.

Research shows signing babies typically have 50 more words by age 2 and 11 months ahead in speech development by age 3! (Acredolo & Goodwyn UC Davis 1999)
Fri & Sat with author, Monta, Tues with our trained teacher!

Studio has 2 HEPA filtration units, each rated to change air in room 5 x per hour. Health & Safety Plan

Questions? email Monta

Traveling? Wonky Naptimes? Sniffles? Includes Online Class for makeups! Enroll early— space very limited